A young daughter and her mother!

Weather Its Karachi or Quetta or any place in Pakistan,in all firings and bomb blasts and any unpleasant incident only poor suffers.Now see the latest bomb blast in Quetta.It took lives of 13 people and many people got serious injuries.As time passes I am getting to know whose Martyred and whose injured.I am amazed to know that most of them were poor.Let me tell you about two of them.
There was a mother and her young daughter.They were very poor and use to earn their livelihood by working the chores in houses.My relative's house was one of the houses she used to work in.
On day of blast, few hours before her death, she was in my relative's house as usual.She cleaned the house,washed the dishes and swept the rooms but before leaving she went to house owner and Said"Allah Hafiz Khala! Khuda nagahwan tu".My relative quoted that "she never say good bye to me.She used to finish her work and leave silently but that day I was amazed that why she came and said good bye to me.May be she was aware about something bad or may be Allah Knows good ahead." The mother and daughter was tried but yet there was another house to clean,they might had schedule to finish their job and then celebrate Eid with their loved ones.They reached Gulistan road,the place where death was waiting for them.They might be talking with each other the mother and the daughter.Suddenly death encountered them.The Blast happened and the mother got burnt completely,I guess she never knew when she was killed and when her soul left her body.As far as her daughter is concern.She was lost.Lost in pieces.The dreamy eyes having beautiful hopes of future was lost somewhere.The hard yet hands of a young girl was lost forever.Her existence in pieces were buried by side of her poor mother's burnt body.
The blast took their lives and freed them from sorrows of the world.May be its Allah's will to save them from further hardships.May be the dreams of the young girl were not destined to be full filled. May be the mother loved her daughter so much that they both left world together since both used to spent a lot of time together working in the houses,crying together on Sorrows and laughing on small happiness they had.
Now they don't exist,the dreamy eyed young girl,her weak yet principled mother!.They are dead and taking rest.I hope their killers are satisfied now by cutting down "A young daughter and here Mother" from their way.
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