Musharraf Left........One year Ago...

Its been exactly one year that Pervez musharraf Left the presidency.Days passed,faces changed and the cabinet also but Pakistan's problems are same.The days of People of Pakistan are as same as that in the Musharraf's era even the situation went worst.We are now more in hands of America as before.Our President donot even think India as the born enemy of Pakistan,the hide interruption of Anti pakistan foreign elements are at its peak in Balochistan,Sawat is healed but on other hand Malakand is burning,Pakistan;s economy is just dismal and we are in Feet of IMF and other "HELPER"Counteries.A group "FREINDS OF PAKISTAN"just runs us.
The Only thing just changed are faces nothing else.......In this sinerio CJ Ifthikhar is the only hope because he can keep eye on atleast corruption which is increasing like a monster's height day by day in Pakistan....As a optimistic Pakistani I hope that Pakistan's current situation will be changed in positive in upcoming years if our Decision Makers think about Pakistan instead of thier "PARTY" and Personal Shelters...
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