View on removing "CHIL DUKHTARAN" as the Seprate Magzine............

Chil Dukhtaran the local magazine for women of hazara Community has been removed as a Seprate Magzine now it is decided to publish its contents in the existing magazine of "Paghame tanzeem".It is implemented as new Magazine "FIKro Adab "is launched in place of "CHIL DUKHTARAN".The decision is right or wrong regardless of that argument i would like to talk on the impacts of this decision...
The pages of chil dukhtaran are less in the new setup.
Since the pages given to Chil dukhtaran is very less since only few Writers are publishes so what about others????
It is the question being asked so frequently by Magazines readers that Why chil dukhtaran is removed as seprate magazine???because it is for women thats y?????or for making capacity for "fikro Adab"????? What ever the reason is The CHIL should be revived as seprate magazine as it have large reader ship in community.......
As a reader and a writer of CHIL I hope that this decision will be taken back Inshallah......
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