Facebook- The Monster

Facebook developed by Mark Zukerburg.
It was invented for bridging the gaps among Howard university students. Cheap games like who's hotter ? Were developed to make it famous. Female university students pictures were used which caused a disaster in Zukerburg's life and made him appear before inquiry board .
Facebook is fun. It kills time. It brings your relatives,friends and acquaintances all together. You can have a detailed glance in their lives and here the real problem starts. The privacy issues are the main ones associated with facebook . As days are passing facebook developers are finding more ways in to leaking ones personal lives. Though there are many ways to be secure on facebook but still who wants to see you, will see you .
Facebook was started as social networking website . As zuckerberg quotes "its aim was to open up the world."
He was right its was people who got
It late. Egyptian revolution was initiate from facebook . Gulf countries feared facebook monster for shaking up their thrones, its useful to spread your voice all over the world but it have disastrous effects on ones personal life if not used really carefully. I heard one of friend saying " how dare he liked the picture of that bitch ? I will kill both of them." I astonished when I hear her saying something rude like that about her "soulmate ". The cause was facebook off course .
A research tells that about 54% divorce and break ups took place because of facebook . Couples spy on each others facebook accounts and when they find something sound cheating , they assume the rest and initiate to break up .
Moreover facebook has serious social isolation effects on ones life. When a person use facebook in access he cut off himself from real life relationships and indulge in online activity only. Some people are just obsessed in getting maximum likes and comments over their posts and when they don't get it they feel rejected.
Recently psychologists found a new mental disorder it's called FAD (facebook addiction disorder ) its symptoms include excessive and obsessive use of facebook , stress and depression when away from facebook. Medicines are being in process to be made for FAD.
I suggest use facebook for official requirements only like to promote business and any cause . Don't depend too much on facebook to spend your free time or to be socially active online . If you want to interact with your friends then meet them up personally . Don't let others know about your personal life unnecessarily online especially on facebook. If you are in a relationship then its better to have one another's facebook Passwords in order to stay away from doubts forever. Moreover trust is the medicine in all conditions.
Children should not be allowed to use facebook until they are not 18.A school boy from US was harassed by his school mates using his facebook profile to defame him.
If you are already addicted to facebook . Try to lower down its rate by specifying the time period you spend online.
Weather it's facebook or Internet or any other technology they should used within limits and on purpose else The same technology can ruin your life .
Stay healthy ..


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