Social Networking in Pakistan- A Brief History !

Few Years back it was impossible to imagine the highest ease at communication can be achieved. Telephone, writing a letter and at advance an email was used for communication.
I say again sending an email back in 2005 was thought to be an extremely advanced "technology " atleast in Pakistan. Remember I am writing this note in general but keeping my country in consideration often. I started using Internet in 2006. I used to email my dad who was working in another city at that time and then i used to call him weather he received the mail or not ? That was funny but natural. Even adults used to confirm the receipt of email by calling , then the world saw the new age of innovation. We saw huge rise of Internet subscribers in Pakistan, Musharraf government worked really hard to promote information technology door to door . If I am not wrong he was the one who initiated an official website for president of Pakistan, before that no such website existed for Pakistani president.
The Internet door to door introduced decent people of pakistan to chatting. Like our national tradition we use things in negative way first and then utilise it for other noble activities. This unhealthy approach was followed here too. Grades of students dropped due to chatting and late night surfing. A well known newspaper found a section named "net stories" which used to elaborate the net friendship stories. This was shameful, it seemed like the future of Pakistan is darkened by a monster named Internet,
This was the beginning of this new technology as time passed people got to know its perfect usage.
With the advancement of time Internet attractions improved like a social networking website Orkut was launched. It was somewhere in 2006 when ORKUT was on top. The market was captured by this community based site. Weather it was college students or professionals both enjoyed the wide community of their interest, who knew that Orkut's monopoly will be ended one day. Facebook by its amazing features captivated the Internet market. Keeping a facebook account became a status symbol. People used to eat, drink and sleep facebook,
Posting pictures of each activity became a routine of new generation. This was the end of year 2006 and the bright beginnings of 2007 when facebook out classed MySpace, Zorpia, ORKUT and hi5 type sites to rule till infinity. Due to drastic number of users on facebook , it became public, I mean it was public but it became really really "nasty"publicly. Even jokes were made on easy availability of facebook that even a beggar has facebook account, telling people to drop him some coins on a specific road.
Blasphemous event against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made it hate able among Muslims and moderate circles of world. A perception was formed that facebook is no more safe for people who really want to spread something positive. It's matter of fact that most of the time it's used for defaming the opposition.
These controversies and perceptions gave a chance to twitter. Twitter till date proves its decent originality. It's public. You can broadcast your views publicly but you remain conscious of your followers. You find more celebrities on twitter then on facebook. Twitter is fast, handy, brief and effective. As they say simpler is better. This line really fits on twitter. It's not complex in privacy issues as that of facebook . I am not twitter brand ambassador or anything like that but I recommend twitter if you really want to be effective in social media world. Twitter is the trend now.Facebook is pretty good at least for friends and family only!!
So this was a brief history of Social media online .. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Do let me know about your views and especially if you differ.

Note our next article will be about professional networking.Stay Tuned!


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