Expectations and Poor Heart

Expectations are worst thing in this world.Expectations just brightens your world for few moments,few months and as days passes when these expectation are not fulfilled it hurts...it hurts a lot deep inside..Human are intelligent that they know that nothing is constant,every thing is gonna change but why we expect?? why we make special people our center of attention and expectation?I don't know but expectation is one of the tough human science i have ever think of.it can make you do anything and on other hand when they are not fulfilled,when your left in middle then the whole world becomes dark.I admit that i expect a lot from people and hence most of the times I remain the unhappy pal but One thing i noticed that when my expectations are broken i never learned from it ...i soon expect something good to lighten my grief over broken previous expectation.Expectations are like dream to live in like something good will happen or the existing good will continue.sometimes i think that what will one do with out expectations?? I mean i m thinking about people who don't expect ,have anything left for them to think about?? or to be happy about..? Expectations are just variable.They Act differently in different situations.Any ways Expect since world is based upon expecting and off course about expecting good but don't panic when they are broken.....I know its tough to do but lets try to bury corpse of our broken expectations and again and again expecting....!




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